We build products whose reliability unequivocally demonstrates all the experience we acquired in more than 30 years of work in thefield of automation for the cultivation of vegetables and flowers.
Our customers are tangible evidence of the commitment and passion we put into what we do on a daily basis.
We have always believed in a constructive relationship with our customers ased on comparison and collaboration to find the best solution depending on the customer’s needs.

  •  In activity since 1986
  •   Complete products portfolio
  •  ISO9001:2015 certified company
  •   Dedicated international support

Spagnol, always close to Agricultural Research Activities

Spagnol, always close to Agricultural Research Activities

The educational and academic world in agriculture is the promoter of specific technologies for plant experimentation; and in this context, Spagnol finds the opportunity to approach in a different way then in the productive world, being able to design and develop products tailored to the type of activity required by the research. A recent example has been the automation of the new experimental greenhouse for the Edmund Mach Foundation, which carries out scientific research, experimentation, education, training and consultancy services for companies in the agricultural and agri-food sector.
>> Read more about it

What can
we provide?

Spagnol is aware that every company has specific needs. That’s why we have a range of specific solutions for every market.

Discover BravoMix

Discover BravoMix

For a complete management of climate in greenhouses

Discover BravoMix
Vertical Farm | The future under control

Vertical Farm | The future under control

VF-Fenix, the vertical farm controller. LED lighting, temperature, humidity, CO2, nutrition. All under control.

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+18% of production -25% of water and fertilizers

+18% of production -25% of water and fertilizers

With GRAVIMATIC the certainty that the irrigation will be activated just when the cultivation requires it and with the right amount

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